Polyart Aquarium 2008 New Year Promotion.

Guess the number of Red Blood Parrot Fish in the display tank and stand to win S$1688.00

The number of fishes in the tank have been totalled, and there are a total of 321 fishes.

The winners are:
Winning ticket 00070 Mr Azroy Tan
Winning ticket 00105 Mr Ang Thian Sang
Winning ticket 00121 Mr Robin Pok Sai Suan

All winners will be notified by mobile and mail by 070308

Monday, June 18, 2007

New this Monday!

Tropical fishes:
Neon Tetra - Paracheirodon innesi (profile)
Black Widow Tetra - Hyphessobrycon megalopterus (profile)
Golden Pencil Fish - Nannostomus beckfordi (profile)
Lamp Eye
Harlequin Rasbora - Trigonostigma heteromorpha (profile)
Clown Loach - Chromobotia macracanthus (profile)
Splendid Gourami (profile)
Asia Rummy Nose - Hemigrammus rhodostomus (profile)
Burmese Border Loach - Botia Kubotai (profile)
Mono Sebae - Monodactylus argenteus (profile)
Knife Fish - Notopterus) Chitala ornata (profile)
Cardinal Tetra - Paracheirodon axelrodi (profile)
White Mountain Cloud Minnow - Tanichthys albonubes (profile)
Mini Puffer - Carinotetraodon travancoricus (profile)
Golden Tinfoil Barb - Barbonymus schwanenfeldii (profile)
Leaf Fish (profile)
Climbing Perch - Anabas testudineus (profile)
Half Moon Fighting Fish - Betta splendens var. (profile)
Silver Dollar - Metynnis hypsauchen (profile)
Scissor Tail Tinfoil Barb Barbonymus schwanenfeldii (profile)
Short Body Albino Senegalus - Polypterus senegalus (profile)

Red Tail Catfish - Phractocephalus hemioliopterus (profile)
Peppered Corydoras - Corydoras paleatus (profile)
Bronze Corydoras - Corydoras aeneus (profile)
Leopard Cory - Corydoras trilineatus (profile)
Sterbas Corydoras - Corydoras sterbai (profile)
Panda Corydoras - Corydoras panda (profile)
White Spotted Dodarid - Agamyxis pectinifrons (profile)

Rising Sun Discus
Blue Snake Skin Discus
Black Oscar - Astronotus ocellatus (profile)
African Cichlids Assorted
Peru Autumn Angel

Freshwater Inverterbrates:
Red Eared Turtle
Malayan Shrimp